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ஞாயிறு, 23 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009

hullo !!

Knowledge is better than practice and meditation is superior to knowledge.From meditation comes renunciation of the fruit which peace quickly follows.


வெள்ளி, 21 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009

hullo !!

However, if you are unable to fix your mind on me, O Dhananjaya, then try to attain me by discpline in practice.


வியாழன், 20 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009

hullo !!

But O Partha, I swiftly deliver those whose conciousness is absorbed in me. Who renounce all actions to me, who regarded me as the Supreme and worship and meditate on me in undistracted oga, lifting them from the ocean of birth and death.

ஞாயிறு, 16 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009

hullo !

hullo !

Not by study of the vedas, not by austerity, not by giving in charity, not even by sacrifice can
I be seen in this form s you have seen me.

செவ்வாய், 11 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009


Be free from fear and the bewilderment that came upon you as a result of seeing this awesome form of mine.
With joyful heart once again behold my human form.

புதன், 5 ஆகஸ்ட், 2009


If problems in life get solved, there will be peace of mind.Problems are not just one or two,but countless
in one's life and only when human efforts fail,divine intervention is sought and belief that God alone should
help,gets imbibed in one's mind. It is only through divine grace that solutions could be found to problems.

  The reason for the incresing number of temples, the
renovation of old ones and public visit to them in large numbers, more often than in the past, is the kind of awareness that has developed of late  that God alone is our Saviour.

   If we know the procedures for divine worship and
    follow them, our sorrows will vanish and peace of mind
  will  result.

 In this blog  it is proposed to share some information on temples


In the present day mechanical world, even to meditate in peace for a few minutes, with devotion at heart, is found very difficult and only a few can do it. Even that is very rare.

Mental peace is the heart of one's life. This is what everyone needs today. And if everyone is endowed with
this, the entire world would be engulfed in kindness and love. This however is not an Utopian dream, but an attainable end.


 "Poojyaya Raghavendhraya Sathyadharma Rathayacha
  Bhajatham Kalpavrukshaya Namatham Kamadhenave"

Worthy of adoration.
Upholder of truth and virtue,
Kalpavruksha to devotees,
Kamadhenu to those falling at his feet.

Bhagavad Gita 11.40

 Obeisances to you from the front and from behind. Obisances to you O all sides as well. O all in all. You are infinite might and limitless valor. As you pervade all, you are every thing. - Bhagavad Gita 11.40